
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Wild Saturday Night

Wild Saturday Night

Sugar, butter, chocolate, egg, nasty looking frozen bananas and other baking stuff = makings of a good Saturday night. What, you don't stay in and bake on a Saturday? Weird. Anyways pre-baking, Lindsey and I bundled up (jackets, boots, scarves...yay SF summers!), and headed out for roomie movie night to see The Campaign. So funny! And despite eating an entire box of Sour Patch Kids, I couldn't stop thinking about eating my mom's delish Banana Chocolate Chip muffins....so I busted out my apron and made 'em.

Super cute apron from my Aunt Judy...thank you I love it! It's from

Flirty Aprons

and is awesome. Tons of good options if you're in the market- highly recommend them :-) Anyways, back to the baking. Its a pretty easy recipe and I would say it was 'fool proof' except for the fact that the last time I made them, I managed to severely over-bake them and ended up making a bread pudding out of the dried up muffins to save them (best save ever...seriously it was damn good). This time they turned out much better...woo hoo for another

successful baking night


It is hard taking pictures of banana chocolate chip muffins to begin with (brown on brown on more brown) but in late night lighting its even worse. Here is the initial attempt...not great:

So then we decided to use the 

Nutella technique

and make it part of a 'balanced' breakfast by adding in some fruit for color. An improvement but doesn't that one choco chip look sad? I promise there are a lot more in there. And I've already had four today...need to slow it down soon and get some actual food.

Ps. I'm obsessed with Friday Night Lights...so good!! And hollar at Taylor Kitsch being Canadian...an incredibly hot Canadian at that. I mean come on:

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Magnetic America

Magnetic America