
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

(Belated weekend recap since I was exhausted on Monday - from watching FNL until 2am the night before- and my computer decided not to connect to the internet last night...ugh)

My weekend in one word: laaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy (say it like Oprah). Seriously, roomie came home at 5:30 Saturday evening and I was still in my pjs. In my defense, the weather was awful, my laundry was done and the whole house was clean so it wasn't a complete waste of a day. Speaking of cleaning the house, I am slightly obsessed with keeping things neat ('slightly obessed' might be putting it lightly). My books are organized by color, my closet is organized by type of clothing then size, I get literally hours of enjoyment organizing things...seriously, just organized my closet 'for fun'. Which is why I'm legit obsessed with

High Straightenance

 and read it all the time. Oh and the other night I found this article 

52 ways to organize your home

and had to keep myself from running into Lindsey's room screaming that we need a shoe organizer for cleaning supplies (it was 2 am so I worked really hard to control that impulse). Yes I've been made fun of and no I do not care. PLUS its totally made me good at my job where being highly organized/neat and obsessed with details is pretty much a requirement...so yea...flying my freak flag proudly.

On Sunday, I got an earlier start and ended up heading to Trader Joes before going to my parent's house for a BBQ in sunny East bay. It was a double celebration: birthday party for family friend Christine and 34th wedding anniversary for my parents. Yup, 34 years!! Obviously the first few years before I came along must have been hard but since I came into their lives, its been nothing but pure joy (obvi). To celebrate, my mom (and dad on the BBQ) cooked up a pretty impressive spread: ribs, chicken, homemade-not-from-a-can baked beans, salads, and her super awesome spinach dip. There were 14 people there and enough ribs for about 30...at least they were finger-lickin' good since I'm sure they've been eating them at every meal since then :-). Now we all know that BBQ-ing is super American and with Labor day (hahaha almost just spelled that 'Labour'<-- Canadian coming through right there) around the corner y'all might want to start thinking of menu options- here's a good link to

classic American recipes


So after reading all the food my mom put together you would think we would be done right? WRONG! We had three deserts to choose from: homemade heart shaped sugar cookies, AH-mazing cake and (my personal favorite) homemade moon cakes. I had multiple helpings of each...I'm definitely more of a savory than sweet person but these three were all so fantastic I couldn't help myself. Also I just spent a full five mins just staring at this picture and thinking about how badly I want something sweet right now...dangerous/delish photo:

And with that I'm off to Bootcamp! Wish me luck...my legs are dead from yesterdays workout and I don't think my trainer is gonna go easy on us tonight...glutton for punishment right here.

PS. Since

Saturday night

, I've eaten over half of the muffins...I seriously stand at the kitchen counter and stare them down trying to decide if three a day is too much (fyi, it never is).

PPS. I want to try


out but am worried I don't have the patience...maybe the extra day off will help me get motivated to try it out this weekend.

Blog-iversary and SF-iversary

Blog-iversary and SF-iversary

Wild Saturday Night

Wild Saturday Night