
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Magnetic America

Magnetic America

In keeping with my goal of

visiting all 50 states

 (only done 4 so far...looong way to go), Lindsey and I have decided we need to collect magnets from all 50 states. So far there are a few overlaps (both went to Hawaii this year) and some non-American ones (holla at one of my favorite places in Vancouver- Stanley park!) but we are slowly starting to get a good collection going. Looking forward to adding a Texas magnet to the collection when I go in October for my yearly visit. Bonus: if we get enough magnets it'll hide how ugly our fridge is- win win! So, if anyone wants to go on a trip/road trip to another state and want a travel buddy- you just let me know and I'll be there with Swedish Fish (my fav travel food).

Wild Saturday Night

Wild Saturday Night

My new ride

My new ride