San Diego 2016
Thanks to a super awesome deal from Virgin, I headed down to SD again this past April to catch up with friends and soak up that southern California sun. First up was a trip to the Safari Park with Alyssa and her husband Layne. I don't really like zoos (sad to see the animals so caged up) but this place was HUGE with tons of room for animals to roam together...pretty cool to see. We wrapped up the night by celebrating Jamie's SD bachelorette party at

The second day started with brunch at Brockton Villa on the water with Ashley and Stacey. We made sure to visit the seals sunning themselves on the sandy shore before heading over to La Jolla to hang out with Liz and Genevieve. First up was an incredible view of the coast, followed by a quick trip to Balboa Park and ending up at Waterfront Park. My cousins from Canada were visiting so the babies 'played' together- and by played I mean they stared at each other and would alternate holding out a hand to hold and then immediately clutching their hand to their chest if the other one would dare reach for their hand...super cute. We had a delicious dinner at Azuki Sushi (the 'r u kidding me?' was amazing!) before heading back to walk to the beach with Alex for the sunset.

Photo by Liz and I love it so much- that kid is the sweetest <3
My last full day kicked off with a trip to the beach to dip our toes in the water, play in the sand and eat delicious tacos + margaritas at Galaxy Taco (yummmm). Then I headed downtown to catch up with the Davis girls at Coasterra- gorgeous restaurant, incredible view of downtown and delicious food. It was the perfect San Diego long weekend...can't wait to go back!