
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Blog-iversary and SF-iversary

Blog-iversary and SF-iversary

The blog is two years old! Like last year I totally forgot to do this in August but whatever its still exciting. And in keeping with my two year anniversary of being 'Murican and writing this blog, I am celebrating by drinking wine (this one from Whole Foods mmm) and binge watching Sons of Anarchy- only on season 1 so don't go spoiling any plot points. Can we just take a moment to appreciate Charlie Hunnam- he is some serious hotness. Anyways, the list has grown to 54 items and I've completed 26 of them making me 48.15% American. Hells yes! I've had an amazing year thanks to my awesome family and fabulous friends- can't wait for another! Thanks to everyone who's made me more American these past 12 months! 

And in keeping with tradition, I'm going to highlight some SF favorites here since I've now lived in the city for almost 5 years. In case you're one of my blog readers who doesn't live in the area, I've started a SF page where all my SF related blog posts can be found in case you're planning a visit and want something fun to do. Ok back to the favorites- here it goes:

Favorite food truck: Del Popolo pizza truck- from one of the Flour+Water founders (a place I still want to go to)

Favorite food: Again a tough category since this city is full of amazing options so I'll break it down.

Vietnamese: PPQ all the way!!, BBQ: Hi Lo BBQ, Sushi/burritos: Sushiritto, Sushi: Blowfish, Italian (new): Piccino, Italian (old school): Lupa, Pizza (deep dish): Little Star, Brunch: Ella's (although this is my favorite category and could go on forever). I'm going to stop there because I've had some amazing food this year and this is just a small sampling.  

Favorite sweets: the pastries at B Patisserie specifically the banana chocolate croissant mmm. Close second would be The Ice Cream Bar.  FYI here's a great round-up of SF sweets from the founder of Smitten Ice Cream (amazing by the way). 

Favorite SF event: America's Cup! Will post about that one soon. 

Favorite down and dirty bar: Loving both Hi-Lo and Soda Popinski at the moment. 

Favorite happy hour: don't really have one so here are a few favs: The Corner Store, Claudine, Sauce, The Irish Bank, Mission Rock Resort and Hi Dive

Favorite workout: Bootcamp is still holding top 'workout' position. And my trainer almost made me puke the other day- get this workout: 50lb (25lb freewights in each hand) circuit training for 30 mins then 15 mins of resistance band running. Whats that? Oh that's when my 6'6, pure muscle, athletic trainer holds a resistance band thats around my waist and I'm supposed to run...a lot. I gave up 12 mins in when I legit thought I might puke. 

Favorite walk: Easily the batteries to bluffs hike I did this summer. The tourist club definitely comes in second- such a fun place! 

Favorite fun activity (for all ages): Tie between House of Air and the Exploratorium 

I love this city and am happy to celebrate 5 years of living here. And to celebrate I will be leaving it a lot in the next few months- I have 5 trips before the end of the year! Love traveling but its always nice to come home to good ol' SF. 

America's Cup

America's Cup

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day Weekend