Tomales Point Trail
The other weekend I was looking to experience some good ol' American wholesome outdoor fun so I headed up to Point Reyes and hike the Tomales point trail- it was awesome!!! Seriously if you're ever in the Bay Area and looking for a fairly easy hike then check this one out- I mean you get to see tons of elk (photo above is my fav of the day) PLUS you get amazing views like this:
Here is the official description from the
This open trail through the Tule Elk Reserve offers spectacular views of Tomales Bay, Bodega Bay, and the Pacific Ocean. It is also a prime wildlife viewing trail, as it is remote and the tule elk are enclosed in this reserve. The first 5 kilometers (3 mi.) to Lower Pierce Point Ranch are well marked and maintained, but the last stretch can be overgrown with bush lupine and other shrubs, so long pants and long sleeves are a good idea. The journey all the way to the Point is worth it, for the view is unparalleled.
I ignored the long pants and sleeves warning and ended up with a couple scratches but nothing major- unless you count my suuuuuper attractive cropped pants tan line that wraps around my entire calf on both legs (sunscreen fail). The hike is nice and mellow- no major elevation changes and its an out and back hike so even if you do get tired just turn around and head back to the car. But if you do you will miss out on the gorgeous views- photo dump starts now:
If you go on this hike, I recommend stopping first in Point Reyes Station and picking up sandwiches/salads and wine from the
store- seriously awesome. Plus if you time it right you could come back and take a tour.
The only thing to keep in mind is that the fog starts to roll in (speaking of this
is amazing) so its best to go on the hike in the morning. The fog started to roll in around 2:30ish so by the time I was back at the old farm (where the parking lot was) it was full on foggy which made the farm seem like a real life Insagram photo.