Santacon 2011
I never used to understand why people got so stressed around the holidays...thats because I was Canadian. As a canadian h
olidays = fun, happiness, lights, snowboarding, good food, friends, family, gingerbread cookies, shortbread cookies, thumbprint cookies...notice a theme?
But no, not this that I'm Americanadian the full weight of the holidays has turned me into a stressed out mess. This is 80% due to work stress...why do people want to buy furniture before the holidays?!?! go buy Christmas/ Hanukkah presents and leave me alone!!
How awesome is this?!?!
Anyways, so far this week I've:
-stayed up until 2:30 am making holiday cards
-been too tired/lazy to make dinner so caved and ate frozen yogurt for dinner (mmm Yoppi) while huddled under a blanket with the heat blasting
-made numerous threatening calls to my brother demanding he tell me what he wants for Christmas (bonus points if I can buy it on Amazon)
-spent some time googling shipping costs to Canada...yikes...looks like everyone will be getting snowmen made out of balls of cotton since that can't cost much
...and I am now currently blogging, painting my nails, mentally picking out my outfit for my work Christmas party tomorrow (can't decide on shoes...heels are cuter but bad ankle + rain could lead to disaster..hmmm), surfing Amazon, thinking about how badly my room needs to be cleaned and watching Hulu in the background.
Ok ok enough of the pity party of one...I'm pretty lucky if this is the kind of stress I have. So onto a more fun topic...SANTACON 2011!!! All caps because thats how awesome it was!
My friend and I in our full Santa gear and drinks in hand.
From the objective study of my new homeland, I've realized that Americans love a good theme party. Mix costumes with drinking and the promise of large crowds and you have a recipe for success. So, to celebrate my American-ness I joined in on the
fun this past Saturday.
No big deal just a bunch of Santas walking down the street
My friends and I met up on Polk street at 1 to get things going...we missed the official noon kick off at Civic Center as (among other reasons) I totally overslept and miscalculated the time it would take to turn into a legit Santa. Polk did not disappoint...check out the crowds.
No need for cars to drive down the street when there are Santas around....yea this only lasted until the cops showed up threatening to arrest anyone who was standing on the street...even if you were just asking them the time (personal experience)
We managed to make it into McTeagues for some 'emergency' drinks...we needed to catch up to everyone Santa hearts Jamesons. Then we headed to Bigfoot, Lush Lounge, some coffe bar turned bar bar and finally Hemlock.
Hanging with the real Santa!
There were an impressive variety of costumes: Santas (obvi), slutty Santas (even more obvi), elves, presents, Christmas trees, snowmen, reindeer etc. Some of the costume variations shown below.
Cowboy cowboy boots though so major downgrade in costume.
LEGIT Grinch makeup
Camo Santa
Creepy Pimp santa...who smelled terrible
All in all it was a total blast and I can't wait for next year (especially now that I have costume ideas). How can you go wrong hanging out with friends and day drinking in full costume??
from others who attended...really glad I did not witness the naked Santa run and the naked keg stand...horrifying...Santas should always wear clothes.