
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in becoming an American, travel, and my home city of San Francisco. Hope you enjoy!

Last minute Thanksgiving ideas

Last minute Thanksgiving ideas

I'm pretty lucky on Thanksgiving since all I really have to do is show up, eat as much as possible and help clean up...I'm really good at the eating as much as possible part. If you aren't quite as lucky and are scrambling to get ready you're in luck because I love reading cooking blogs (which make me nice and hungry at work) and there are some great ideas in the links below.

Tracy at Shutterbean put together an awesome 

last minute Thanksgiving

 post with some of her recipes. She has a cool alternative stuffing idea that looks amazing-

baked apples with stuffing

. I made the 

Roasted brussels sprouts and butternut squash

 dish for my lunches this week and it was delish. Keep in mind I grew up HATING brussels sprouts and had to be talked into eating just one at every big family meal by my uncle (obviously I covered it in gravy, salt, butter and mashed potatoes to make that one bite edible) so for me to love this is a big deal...like totes big deal.

Pre-roasting goodness

Heidi at 101 Cookbooks has a quick and easy

green bean

 recipe...just in case you're not a fan of the traditional green bean casserole. Emily with Daily Garnish has a great recipe for 

rosemary and sage mashed potatoes

...plus she just had a baby so super cute photos in all her posts. She also came up with a 

vegan pumpkin pie

 in case you have any vegan guests coming. Continuing with desert, Joy over at Joy the Baker has come up with an awesome looking 

sweet potato pie

 for all the non-pumpkin lovers. And Deb from Smitten Kitchen has a drool worthy 

Baked Pumpkin and Sour Cream pudding

...I will be making it as soon as humanly possible.

Lastly if you're stuck setting the table, Apartment Therapy has a cool post about 

sustainable tablescapes

 using produce (bonus factor- relatively easy since all you have to do is fight through all the other shoppers at the grocery store to pick up supplies then fight your way out of the parking lot..done and done).

Good luck!!



Staying patriotic during the holidays...

Staying patriotic during the holidays...